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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / Trigger

Trigger Blocks

Triggers are used to define code that is executed when certain actions or events occur. The Syntax for Creating a Database Trigger CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name     {BEFORE|AFTER} verb_list ON table_name     [[REFERENCING correlation_names] FOR EACH ROW [WHEN (condition)]] DECLARE     declarations BEGIN     pl/sql_code END; verb_list -- The SQL verbs that fire the trigger. table_name -- The table on which the trigger is defined. correlation_names -- Allows you to specify correlation names other than the default of OLD and NEW. condition -- An optional condition placed on the execution of the trigger. declarations -- Consists of any variable, record, or cursor declarations needed by this PL/SQL block. SQL> CREATE TABLE to_table   2  (col1 NUMBER); Table created. SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER before_statement_trigger   2  BEFORE INSERT ON to_table   3  BEGIN   4    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Before Insert Statement Level');   5  END;   6  / Trigger created. SQL> SQL> drop table to_table; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE to_table   2  (col1 NUMBER); Table created. SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER before_row_trigger   2  BEFORE INSERT ON to_table   3  FOR EACH ROW   4  BEGIN   5    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Before Insert Row Level');   6  END;   7  / Trigger created. SQL> SQL> drop table to_table; Table dropped. SQL>