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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / Trigger

A trigger is an event within the DBMS that can cause some code to execute automatically

There are four types of database triggers: Table-level triggers can initiate activity before or after an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE event. View-level triggers defines what can be done to the view. Database-level triggers can be activated at startup and shutdown of a database. Session-level triggers can be used to store specific information. SQL> SQL> create table company(   2     product_id        number(4)    not null,   3     company_id          NUMBER(8)    not null,   4     company_short_name  varchar2(30) not null,   5     company_long_name   varchar2(60)   6  ); Table created. SQL> insert into company values(1,1001,'A Inc.','Long Name A Inc.'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into company values(1,1002,'B Inc.','Long Name B Inc.'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into company values(1,1003,'C Inc.','Long Name C Inc.'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into company values(2,1004,'D Inc.','Long Name D Inc.'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into company values(2,1005,'E Inc.','Long Name E Inc.'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into company values(2,1006,'F Inc.','Long Name F Inc.'); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> create table product_audit(   2     product_id number(4) not null,   3     num_rows number(8) not null   4  ); Table created. SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER myTrigger   2  AFTER INSERT ON company   3  FOR EACH ROW   4  BEGIN   5    UPDATE product_audit   6    SET num_rows =num_rows+1   7    WHERE product_id =:NEW.product_id;   8    IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) THEN   9      INSERT INTO product_audit VALUES (:NEW.product_id,1);  10    END IF;  11  END;  12  / Trigger created. SQL> SQL> drop table product_audit; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> drop table company; Table dropped. SQL>