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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / Table

Creating a Table

The simplified syntax for the CREATE TABLE statement is as follows: CREATE [GLOBAL TEMPORARY] TABLE table_name (   column_name type [CONSTRAINT constraint_def DEFAULT default_exp]   [, column_name type [CONSTRAINT constraint_def DEFAULT default_exp]...] ) [ON COMMIT {DELETE | PRESERVE} ROWS] TABLESPACE table_space; where GLOBAL TEMPORARY specifies that the table's rows are temporary and such tables are known as temporary tables. The duration of the contents are specified by the ON COMMIT clause. A temporary table is visible to all sessions, but rows are specific to a session. type specifies the type of a column. constraint_def specifies the definition of a constraint on a column. default_exp specifies the expression used to assign a default value to a column. ON COMMIT controls the duration of the rows in a temporary table. DELETE specifies the rows are deleted at the end of a transaction. PRESERVE specifies the rows are deleted at the end of a session. If you omit ON COMMIT for a temporary table, the default is DELETE.