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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / Regular Expressions Functions


If we use brackets, [whatever], we are asking for a match of whatever set of characters is included inside the brackets in any order. Suppose we wanted to devise a query to find addresses where there is either an "i" or an "r." SQL> SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table myTable(   2    id           NUMBER(2),   3    value        VARCHAR(50)   4  ); Table created. SQL> SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(1,'1234 4th St. Vancouver'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(2,'4 Maple Ct. New York'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(3,'4321 Green Blvd. London'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(4,'33 Third St. Toronto'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(5,'One First Drive. Queen'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(6,'1664 1/2 Springhill Ave'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into myTable(id, value)values(7,'665 Fall Ave. Linken'); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from mytable;         ID VALUE ---------- --------------------------------------------------          1 1234 4th St. Vancouver          2 4 Maple Ct. New York          3 4321 Green Blvd. London          4 33 Third St. Toronto          5 One First Drive. Queen          6 1664 1/2 Springhill Ave          7 665 Fall Ave. Linken 7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> SELECT value, REGEXP_INSTR(value, '[ir]') where_it_is   2  FROM myTable; VALUE                                              WHERE_IT_IS -------------------------------------------------- ----------- 1234 4th St. Vancouver                                      22 4 Maple Ct. New York                                        19 4321 Green Blvd. London                                      7 33 Third St. Toronto                                         6 One First Drive. Queen                                       6 1664 1/2 Springhill Ave                                     12 665 Fall Ave. Linken                                        16 7 rows selected. SQL> SQL> drop table myTable; Table dropped. SQL>