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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / PL SQL Statements


WHILE loops check the condition and execute a set of commands. The loop is repeated until the loop is exited. A WHILE loop is exactly equivalent to a regular loop with an EXIT WHEN as the first statement. The condition is checked before the code in the loop is executed. If the condition is false, the code in the loop will never be executed. WHILE loop makes your code a little easier to read than with a normal loop. WHILE condition LOOP   statements END LOOP; SQL> SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> set echo on SQL> SQL>    DECLARE   2           v_Calc NUMBER := 0;   3     BEGIN   4          WHILE v_Calc >= 10 LOOP   5               v_Calc := v_Calc + 1;   6               DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The value of v_Calc is ' || v_Calc);   7          END LOOP;   8     END;   9     / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>