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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / PL SQL Programming

Types of more commonly used Exceptions

The following are the more commonly used predefined exceptions: no_data_foundSingleton SELECT statement returned no data. too_many_rowsSingleton SELECT statement returned more than one row of data. invalid_cursorIllegal cursor operation occurred. value_errorArithmetic, conversion, or truncation error occurred. invalid_numberConversion of a number to a character string failed. zero_divideAttempted to divide by zero. dup_val_on_indexAttempted to insert a duplicate value into a column that has a unique index. cursor_already_openAttempted to open a cursor that was previously opened. not_logged_onA database call was made without being logged into Oracle. transaction_backed_outUsually raised when a remote portion of a transaction is rolled back. login_deniedLogin to Oracle failed. program_errorIf PL/SQL encounters an internal problem. storage_errorIf PL/SQL runs out of memory or if memory is corrupted. timeout_on_resourceTimeout occurred while Oracle was waiting for a resource. othersFor all of the rest.