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LIKE is PL/SQL's pattern-matching operator. LIKE is used to compare a character string against a pattern. LIKE is useful for performing wildcard searches. LIKE can only be used with character strings. LIKE checks to see if the contents of string_variable match the pattern definition. If the string matches the pattern, a result of true is returned; otherwise, the expression evaluates to false. The Syntax for LIKE string_variable LIKE pattern where string_variable represents any character string variable, whether VARCHAR2, CHAR, LONG, and so on. pattern represents a pattern. pattern can also be a string variable, or it can be a string literal. Two wildcard characters are defined for use with LIKE, the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_). '%' matches any number of characters in a string. '/' matches exactly one. For example, the pattern 'New %' will match 'New Car', 'New Bycle', 'New Horse'. The pattern '___day' is looking for a six-letter word ending with the letters 'day'. That would match 'Monday', 'Friday', and 'Sunday'. A function using the LIKE operator to return a phone number's area code. SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION area_code (phone_number IN VARCHAR2)   2  RETURN VARCHAR2 AS   3  BEGIN   4    IF phone_number LIKE '___-___-____' THEN   5      --we have a phone number with an area code.   6      RETURN SUBSTR(phone_number,1,3);   7    ELSE   8      --there is no area code   9      RETURN 'none';  10     END IF;  11  END;  12  / Function created. SQL>