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Assigning Record Variables

With record variables, you can assign one record to another. Assigning a record copies all columns in the original record to the target. SQL> -- create demo table SQL> create table Employee(   2    ID                 VARCHAR2(4 BYTE)         NOT NULL,   3    First_Name         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),   4    Last_Name          VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),   5    Start_Date         DATE,   6    End_Date           DATE,   7    Salary             Number(8,2),   8    City               VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),   9    Description        VARCHAR2(15 BYTE)  10  )  11  / Table created. SQL> SQL> -- prepare data SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary,  City,       Description)   2               values ('01','Jason',    'Martin',  to_date('19960725','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('20060725','YYYYMMDD'), 1234.56, 'Toronto',  'Programmer')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary,  City,       Description)   2                values('02','Alison',   'Mathews', to_date('19760321','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19860221','YYYYMMDD'), 6661.78, 'Vancouver','Tester')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary,  City,       Description)   2                values('03','James',    'Smith',   to_date('19781212','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19900315','YYYYMMDD'), 6544.78, 'Vancouver','Tester')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary,  City,       Description)   2                values('04','Celia',    'Rice',    to_date('19821024','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19990421','YYYYMMDD'), 2344.78, 'Vancouver','Manager')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary,  City,       Description)   2                values('05','Robert',   'Black',   to_date('19840115','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19980808','YYYYMMDD'), 2334.78, 'Vancouver','Tester')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary, City,        Description)   2                values('06','Linda',    'Green',   to_date('19870730','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19960104','YYYYMMDD'), 4322.78,'New York',  'Tester')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary, City,        Description)   2                values('07','David',    'Larry',   to_date('19901231','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19980212','YYYYMMDD'), 7897.78,'New York',  'Manager')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> insert into Employee(ID,  First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date,                     End_Date,                       Salary, City,        Description)   2                values('08','James',    'Cat',     to_date('19960917','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('20020415','YYYYMMDD'), 1232.78,'Vancouver', 'Tester')   3  / 1 row created. SQL> SQL> -- display data in the table SQL> select * from Employee   2  / ID   FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME            START_DAT END_DATE      SALARY CITY       DESCRIPTION ---- -------------------- -------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------------- 01   Jason                Martin               25-JUL-96 25-JUL-06    1234.56 Toronto    Programmer 02   Alison               Mathews              21-MAR-76 21-FEB-86    6661.78 Vancouver  Tester 03   James                Smith                12-DEC-78 15-MAR-90    6544.78 Vancouver  Tester 04   Celia                Rice                 24-OCT-82 21-APR-99    2344.78 Vancouver  Manager 05   Robert               Black                15-JAN-84 08-AUG-98    2334.78 Vancouver  Tester 06   Linda                Green                30-JUL-87 04-JAN-96    4322.78 New York   Tester 07   David                Larry                31-DEC-90 12-FEB-98    7897.78 New York   Manager 08   James                Cat                  17-SEP-96 15-APR-02    1232.78 Vancouver  Tester 8 rows selected. SQL> SQL> create or replace procedure p_generateNewEmp(io_emp in out nocopy employee%ROWTYPE)   2  is   3  begin   4      select max(id)+1 into from employee;   5      io_emp.first_Name:='Emp#'||;   6  end;   7  / Procedure created. SQL> SQL> declare   2      v_emp_rec employee%ROWTYPE;   3      v_empStart_rec employee%ROWTYPE;   4  begin   5;   6      p_generateNewEmp(v_emp_rec);   7      v_empStart_rec:=v_emp_rec; -- store original data   8      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Generated: '||||' '||v_empStart_rec.first_Name);   9      --p_processEmp(v_emp_rec); -- continue working  10  end;  11  / Generated: 9 Emp#9 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> -- clean the table SQL> drop table Employee   2  / Table dropped. You can use direct assignment of records only in two cases: If both variables are identical user-defined record datatypes. Having fields in the same order and of the same types is not sufficient. If the source variable is defined by reference using %ROWTYPE and all the target variable fields are in the same order and of the same datatype. Quote from: Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies (Paperback) by Michael Rosenblum (Author), Paul Dorsey (Author) # Paperback: 414 pages # Publisher: For Dummies (June 13, 2006) # Language: English # ISBN-10: 0764599577 # ISBN-13: 978-0764599576