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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / Object Oriented

Inserting Rows into the Table with object type column

When inserting a row into a table containing a column object, you must supply the attribute for that object using a constructor. The constructor has the same name as the object type and accepts parameters fo attributes of the object. SQL> CREATE Or Replace TYPE ProductType AS OBJECT (   2    id          NUMBER,   3    name        VARCHAR2(15),   4    description VARCHAR2(22),   5    price       NUMBER(5, 2),   6    days_valid  NUMBER   7  );   8  / Type created. SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE products (   2    product           ProductType,   3    count NUMBER   4  ); Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO products (product,count) VALUES (   2            ProductType(1, 'AA', 'BBB', 3.95, 10),50   3  ); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO products (product,count) VALUES (   2            ProductType(2, 'CC', 'DDDD', 2.99, 5),25   3  ); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from products; PRODUCT(ID, NAME, DESCRIPTION, PRICE, DAYS_VALID)     COUNT ---------- PRODUCTTYPE(1, 'AA', 'BBB', 3.95, 10)                 50 PRODUCTTYPE(2, 'CC', 'DDDD', 2.99, 5)                 25 SQL> SQL> drop table products; Table dropped. SQL>