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Categories / Oracle PLSQL Tutorial / Object Oriented

Creating Object Types

Classes define attributes and methods. Attributes are used to store an object's state, and methods are used to model an object's behaviors. You create an object type using the CREATE [OR REPLACE] TYPE statement. SQL> SQL> CREATE Or Replace TYPE AddressType AS OBJECT (   2    street VARCHAR2(15),   3    city   VARCHAR2(15),   4    state  CHAR(2),   5    zip    VARCHAR2(5)   6  );   7  / SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE address AS OBJECT   2              (line1 VARCHAR2(20),   3               line2 VARCHAR2(20),   4               city VARCHAR2(20),   5               state_code VARCHAR2(2),   6               zip VARCHAR2(13));   7  / Type created. SQL> SQL> DECLARE   2    off_add address :=address('19 J','R Rd','Vancouver','NJ','00000');   3  BEGIN   4    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(off_add.line1||' '||off_add.line2);   5    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(||', '||off_add.state_code||' '||;   6  END;   7  / 19 J R Rd Vancouver, NJ 00000 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>