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The CAST function converts an object type (such as a VARRAY) into a common type that can be queried Oracle 10g automatically c

The CAST function may also be used with the MULTISET function to perform DML operations on VARRAYs. MULTISET is the "reverse" of CAST in that MULTISET converts a nonobject set of data to an object set. Suppose we create a new table of names: SQL> SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE mem_type IS VARRAY(10) of VARCHAR2(15)   2  / Type created. SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE club (Name VARCHAR2(10),   2  Address VARCHAR2(20),   3  City VARCHAR2(20),   4  Phone VARCHAR2(8),   5  Members mem_type)   6  / Table created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO club VALUES ('AL','111 First St.','Mobile',   2  '222-2222', mem_type('Brenda','Richard')); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO club VALUES ('FL','222 Second St.','Orlando',   2  '333-3333', mem_type('Gen','John','Steph','JJ')); 1 row created. SQL> SQL> SELECT COLUMN_VALUE FROM   2  THE(SELECT CAST(c.members as mem_type)   3  FROM club c   4  WHERE = 'FL'); COLUMN_VALUE --------------- Gen John Steph JJ SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE newnames (n varchar2(20))   2  / Table created. SQL> INSERT INTO newnames VALUES ('Beryl')   2  / 1 row created. SQL> INSERT INTO newnames VALUES ('Fred')   2  / 1 row created. SQL> SELECT *   2  FROM newnames   3  / N -------------------- Beryl Fred SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO club VALUES ('VA',null,null,null,null)   2  / 1 row created. SQL> UPDATE club SET members =   2  CAST(MULTISET(SELECT n FROM newnames) as mem_type)   3  WHERE name = 'VA'   4  / 1 row updated. SQL> SQL> select * from club; NAME       ADDRESS                                            CITY                 PHONE ---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------- MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AL         111 First St.                                      Mobile               222-2222 MEM_TYPE('Brenda', 'Richard') FL         222 Second St.                                     Orlando              333-3333 MEM_TYPE('Gen', 'John', 'Steph', 'JJ') VA MEM_TYPE('Beryl', 'Fred') SQL> SQL> INSERT INTO club VALUES('MD',null, null,null,   2  CAST(MULTISET(SELECT * FROM newnames) as mem_type))   3  / 1 row created. SQL> SQL> select * from club; NAME       ADDRESS                                            CITY                 PHONE ---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------- MEMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AL         111 First St.                                      Mobile               222-2222 MEM_TYPE('Brenda', 'Richard') FL         222 Second St.                                     Orlando              333-3333 MEM_TYPE('Gen', 'John', 'Steph', 'JJ') VA MEM_TYPE('Beryl', 'Fred') MD MEM_TYPE('Beryl', 'Fred') SQL> SQL> drop table newnames; Table dropped. SQL> SQL> drop table club; Table dropped. SQL> drop type mem_type; Type dropped.