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Categories / MySQL Tutorial / Procedure Function

Using user-defined function in a select statement

A function can be used directly from within a SELECT, INSERT, or UPDATE statement. The result of that function is either saved in the table or returned with the output. Stored procedures may not return any results. A stored function always returns a single value. A stored procedure is executed with an explicit statement: the CALL command. mysql> delimiter $$ mysql> mysql> CREATE FUNCTION myFunction(     ->         in_title          VARCHAR(4),     ->         in_gender         CHAR(1),     ->         in_firstname      VARCHAR(20),     ->         in_middle_initial CHAR(1),     ->         in_surname        VARCHAR(20))     ->     ->   RETURNS VARCHAR(60)     -> BEGIN     ->   DECLARE l_title               VARCHAR(4);     ->   DECLARE l_name_string         VARCHAR(60);     ->     ->   IF ISNULL(in_title)  THEN     ->      IF in_gender='M' THEN     ->         SET l_title='Mr';     ->      ELSE     ->         SET l_title='Ms';     ->      END IF;     ->   END IF;     ->     ->   IF ISNULL(in_middle_initial) THEN     ->      SET l_name_string=l_title||' '||in_firstname||' '||in_surname;     ->   ELSE     ->      SET l_name_string=l_title||' '||in_firstname||' '||     ->                           in_middle_initial||' '||in_surname;     ->   END IF;     ->     ->   RETURN(l_name_string);     -> END$$ Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> mysql> delimiter ; mysql> mysql> select myFunction('Mrs','M','First','Middle','Last'); +-----------------------------------------------+ | myFunction('Mrs','M','First','Middle','Last') | +-----------------------------------------------+ | NULL                                          | +-----------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set, 2 warnings (0.00 sec) mysql> mysql> select myFunction(null,'M','First','Middle','Last'); +----------------------------------------------+ | myFunction(null,'M','First','Middle','Last') | +----------------------------------------------+ | 0                                            | +----------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set, 2 warnings (0.02 sec) mysql> mysql> drop function myFunction; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql>