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Categories / MySQL Tutorial / Introduction


Name Description AND, &&Logical AND BINARYCast a string to a binary string &Bitwise AND |Bitwise OR ^Bitwise XOR /Division operator DIVInteger division NULL-safe equal to operator =Equal operator =Greater than or equal operator Greater than operator IS NULLNULL value test ISTest a value against a boolean Left shift Less than or equal operator Less than operator LIKESimple pattern matching -Minus operator %Modulo operator !=, Not equal operator NOT LIKENegation of simple pattern matching NOT REGEXPNegation of REGEXP NOT, !Negates value ||, ORLogical OR +Addition operator REGEXPPattern matching using regular expressions Right shift RLIKESynonym for REGEXP SOUNDS LIKECompare sounds ~Invert bits *Times operator -Change the sign of the argument XORLogical XOR