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Window routeEvent()

Syntax window.routeEvent(event) The routeEvent() method passes captured events through their normal event process. The events that can be passed are as follows: Event.ABORT Event.BLUR Event.CHANGE Event.CLICK Event.DBLCLICK Event.DRAGDROP Event.ERROR Event.FOCUS Event.KEYDOWN Event.KEYPRESS Event.KEYUP Event.LOAD Event.MOUSEDOWN Event.MOUSEMOVE Event.MOUSEOUT Event.MOUSEOVER Event.MOUSEUP Event.MOVE Event.RESET Event.RESIZE Event.SELECT Event.SUBMIT Event.UNLOAD <html>     <head>     <script language="JavaScript1.2">     <!--     var counter = 0;     window.captureEvents(Event.CLICK);     window.onclick = myClickHandler;     function myClickHandler{       window.document.myForm.myText.handleEvent;     }     function changeText(){       document.myForm.myText.value = counter++;     }     function releaseClick(){       window.routeEvent(Event.CLICK);     }     -->     </script>     </head>     <body>     <form name="myForm">       <input type=TEXT size=2 value="" name="myText" onClick='changeText()'>       <a href="" onMouseDown='window.routeEvent(Event.CLICK)'>Click Here!</a>     </form>     </body>     </html>