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Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / Window

Window enableExternalCapture()

Syntax window.enableExternalCapture(event) The enableExternalCapture() method enables external event capturing. You must first obtain UniversalBrowserWrite privileges. Obtaining this privilege will send a security dialog box to the user. You use the Window.captureEvents() method to specify the events you want to capture. To remove the ability to capture these events, you can invoke the Window.disableExternalCapture() method. The types of events that can be captured are as follows: Event.ABORT Event.BLUR Event.CHANGE Event.CLICK Event.DBLCLICK Event.DRAGDROP Event.ERROR Event.FOCUS Event.KEYDOWN Event.KEYPRESS Event.KEYUP Event.LOAD Event.MOUSEDOWN Event.MOUSEMOVE Event.MOUSEOUT Event.MOUSEOVER Event.MOUSEUP Event.MOVE Event.RESET Event.RESIZE Event.SELECT Event.SUBMIT Event.UNLOAD <html>     <script language="JavaScript1.2">     <!--"UniversalBrowserWrite");     window.enableExternalCapture();     window.captureEvents(Event.SUBMIT);     -->     </script> </html>