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Window disableExternalCapture()

Syntax window.disableExternalCapture() The disableExternalCapture() method disables any external event capturing set up using the enableExternalCapture() method. Before capturing of these external events, you must first obtain UniversalBrowserWrite privileges. Once obtained and the method has been invoked, you use the Window.captureEvents() method to specify the events you wish to capture. <html>     <head>     <script language="JavaScript1.2">     <!--"UniversalBrowserWrite");     window.enableExternalCapture();     window.captureEvents(Event.SUBMIT);     function turnOffEvents(){       window.disableExternalCapture();       alert("You have sucessfully turned off external event captures");     }     -->     </script>     </head>     <body>     <form>       <input type=BUTTON value="Disenable External Capturing" onClick="turnOffEvents()">     </form>     </body>     </html>