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Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / String

String match()

Syntax string.match(regexpression) The match() method searches the string for the regular expression passed to the method. The regular expression is made up of a pattern and flags. The method returns an array containing the matches found in the string. See RegExp for how to use the regular expression. <html>     <script language="JavaScript1.2">     <!--     var myString = new String("This is Mr. Right");     var myRegExp = /\s\w*/g;     var answerArray = myString.match(myRegExp);     if(answerArray == null){       document.write('No matches were found');     }else{       document.write('The following matches were found: <br>');       for(var i = 0; i < answerArray.length; i++){         document.write(answerArray[i] + '<br>');       }     }     document.close();     -->     </script> </html>