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Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / String

String charAt()

Syntax string.charAt(num) The charAt() method returns the character located at the indexed, num, position passed. This indexing is done from left to right starting with the 0 (zero) position. If the num passed is not a valid index in the string, -1 is returned. <html>     <head>       <title>Using the String.charAt() method</title>     </head>     <body>     <script language="JavaScript">     <!--     var myString = new String("This is a test, small test.");     var myIndex = prompt("Please enter a number", "");     var myChar = myString.charAt(myIndex);     document.write('<b>The string you searched through was: </b>' + myString);     document.write('<br>The ' + myIndex + ' character in this string is ');     if (myChar == " "){       document.write('<space>');     }else{       document.write(myChar);     }     document.close();     -->     </script>     </body>     </html>