Mega Code Archive

Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / Operators

Operator Precedence from highest to lowest

Read From Operator Operator Name Left to Right.Object property access Left to Right[]Array index Left to Right()Function call Right to Left++Pre/Post Increment Right to Left--Pre/Post Decrement Right to Left-Negation Right to Left~Bitwise NOT Right to Left!Logical NOT Right to LeftdeleteUndefine a property Right to LeftnewCreate a new object Right to LefttypeofReturn data type Right to LeftvoidReturn undefined value Left to Right*, /, %Multiplication, division, modulus Left to Right+, -Addition, Subtraction Left to Right+String concatenation Left to RightLeft shift Left to RightRight shift with sign Left to RightRight shift zero fill Left to RightLess than, less than or equal Left to Right, =Greater than, greater than or equal Left to Right==Equality Left to Right!=Inequality Left to Right===Identity Left to Right!==Non-identity Left to Right&Bitwise AND Left to Right^Bitwise XOR Left to Right|Bitwise OR Left to Right&&Logical AND Left to Right||Logical OR Right to Left?:Conditional Right to Left=Assignment Right to Left*=, /=Assignment plus operation %=, +=, -=, =, =, &=, ^=, |= Left to Right.Multiple evaluation