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Assignment operator

The basic format of the assignment operator is: x = 6; The assignment operator can also be stacked to create simultaneous assignments. x = y = z = 6; Multiple assignment operators are evaluated from right to left. y = (x = 3) + 4; the value 3 is assigned to the variable x, which is then added to the value 4 and assigned to the variable y. Once the expression is fully evaluated, y will contain the value 7. <html> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--     x = 1;     y = 2;     z = 3;     document.write("<U>After single assignment</U><BR>");     document.write("x=",x,"<BR>y=",y,"<BR>z=",z,"<BR>");     document.write("<U>After multiple assignment</U><BR>");     document.write("x=",x,"<BR>y=",y,"<BR>z=",z,"<BR>");     x = (y = 17) + (2 * (z = 2));     document.write("<U>After multiple assignment in one expression</U><BR>");     document.write("x=",x,"<BR>y=",y,"<BR>z=",z,"<BR>"); // --> </SCRIPT> </html>