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Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / Operators

Advanced Assignment Operators

Advanced assignment operators combine the basic assignment and other operators into one functional operator. OperatorExampleDescription +=x+=yx = x + y; -=x-=yx = x - y; *=x*=yx = x * y; /=x/=yx = x / y; %=x%=yx = x % y; xx = x =x=yx = x y; &=x&=yx = x & y; |=x|=yx = x | y; ^=x^=yx = x ^ y; All the advanced assignment operators, except for +=, will attempt to convert strings to numbers. If strings are used with the += operator, the left operand is concatenated to the end of the right operand. The following example uses the Addition Operator to Perform String Concatenation. <html> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--     y = "A";     y += "B";     document.write("y= ",y); --> </SCRIPT> </html>