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Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / Number Data Type

Number() Object

Syntax var variable = new Number(value) The Number object represents numeric value types. You can create a Number object by specifying a value in the parameter for the number constructor. Properties and Methods of the Number Object Property/MethodDescription MAX_VALUESpecifies the largest value a number can have. MIN_VALUESpecifies the smallest value a number can have without being equal to 0. NaNStands for Not a Number. Represents a value that is not equal to any numeric value. NEGATIVE_INFINITYA special value that represents a negative infinity value. POSITIVE_INFINITYA special value that represents a positive infinity value. prototypeRepresents the prototype for the number class. toSource()Returns a string representation of the number object. toString()Returns a string representing the specified number object. valueOf()Returns the primitive value of a number object as a number data type. The following example create a number object by calling the Number Constructor. <html>     <body>     <script language="JavaScript">     <!--     // Creates a new number object     var aNum = new Number(3);     -->     </script>     </body>     </html>