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Syntax var variable = new VBArray(vbarray) The VBArray object provides access to Visual Basic safeArrays. Methods of the VBArray Object MethodDescription dimensions()Returns the number of dimensions in the array getItem()Returns the item at a specified location lbound()Returns the lowest index value of the dimension in the array toArray()Returns a JScript array from the VBArray passed ubound()Returns the highest index value of the dimension in the array <html>     <script LANGUAGE="VBScript">     <!--     Function myVBArray()       Dim i       Dim j       Dim k       k = 1       Dim myArray(1, 1)       For i = 0 To 1         For j = 0 To 1           myArray(j, i) = k           document.writeln(k)           k = k + 1         Next         document.writeln("<hr>")       Next       myVBArray = myArray     End Function     ' End Hide -->     </script>     <script language="JScript">     <!--     var myArray = new VBArray(myVBArray());     -->     </script>