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Syntax GetObject(path)     GetObject(path, app.type) The GetObject function returns a reference to an Automation object from a file. The path parameter represents the full path and name to the file containing the object you wish to retrieve. To activate only part of the file, place an exclamation point, !, at the end of the path followed by the part you want to activate. The app.type attribute is the program ID or formal definition of the object. The app portion represents the name of the application, and the type designates the type of object. If this parameter is not passed, the Automation object will try to determine which application to start. <html>     <body>     <script language="JScript">     <!--     var myObj = GetObject("C:\\TEMP\\TESTOBJ.XLS");     var myObjRef = GetObject("C:\\TEMP\\TESTOBJ.XLS!sheet1");     // End hide-->     </script>     </html>