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The Folder object provides access to all the properties of a folder. This object is created by the FileSystemObject.GetFolder(). The folder passed is the name the folder for which you want to create a JScript object. Method/PropertyDescription Copy()Copies the folder from one location to another Delete()Deletes the specified folder Move()Moves the specified folder AttributesSets or returns the file system attributes of the folder DateCreatedReturns the date the folder was created DateLastAccessedReturns the date the folder was last accessed DateLastModifiedReturns the date the folder was last modified DriveReturns the drive on which the folder is located FilesReturns a Files collection containing all the File objects in the folder IsRootFolderReturns true if the folder is the root folder, false otherwise NameSets or returns the name of the folder ParentFolderReturns a folder object for the parent folder of the folder PathReturns the path to the folder ShortNameReturns the 8.3 version of the name of the folder ShortPathReturns the 8.3 version of the path to the folder SizeReturns the byte size of all the contents of the folder SubFoldersReturns a Folders collection of all the folders contained in the folder TypeReturns the type of folder <html>     <script language="JScript1.1">     <!--     var myFileSysObj = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");     var myFolder = myFileSysObj.GetFolder("\\temp");     document.write(myFolder.Drive);     -->     </script> </html>