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Folder Attributes

Syntax folder.Attributes     folder.Attributes = attrib The Attributes property sets or retrieves the attributes of a folder. The following table has the values of the attributes. ValueStands ForDescription 0NormalNormal folder with no attributes set 1Read OnlyRead-only folder with read/write attribute 2HiddenHidden folder with read/write attribute 4SystemSystem folder with read/write attribute 8VolumeDisk drive volume label with read-only attribute 16DirectoryFolder or directory with read-only attribute 32ArchiveFolder has changed since last backup with read/write attribute 64AliasLink or shortcut to a folder with read-only attribute 128CompressedCompressed folder with read-only attribute <html>     <body>     <script language="JScript1.2">     <!--     function get(){       var myObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");       var myFolder = myObject.GetFolder("c:\\Temp");       alert(myFolder.Attributes);     }     -->     </script>     Gets a folders attributes.     <form name="myForm">     <input type="Button" value="Get Attributes" onClick='get()'>     </form>     </body>     </html>