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The FileSystemObject object provides access to the computer's file system. Properties and Methods of the FileSystemObject Object Property/MethodDescription BuildPath()Appends information to a file path CopyFile()Copies a file from one location to another CopyFolder()Copies a folder from one location to another CreateFolder()Creates a new folder object CreateTextfile()Creates a new text file object DeleteFile()Removes a file DeleteFolder()Removes a folder object DriveExists()Determines whether a drive exists DrivesReturns a Drives collection, containing all the available drive objects FileExists()Determines whether a file exists FolderExists()Determines whether a folder exists GetAbsolutePathName()Returns the absolute pathname for a file GetBaseName()Gets the base name of the last component GetDrive()Gets the drive letter for a file GetDriveName()Gets the drive name on which a file resides ExtensionName()Returns the extension for a file GetFile()Gets the file object GetFileName()Gets the name of a file GetFolder()Gets the folder name that contains a file GetParentFolderName()Gets the parent folder's name GetSpecialFolder()Gets the folder names for special folders GetTempName()Creates a randomly generated temporary file MoveFile()Moves a file from one location to another MoveFolder()Moves a folder and its contents from one location to another OpentextFile()Opens a text file stream to a file <html>     <body>     <script language="JScript">     <!--        var myObject;        myObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");     -->     </script>     </body>     </html>