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Dictionary Item()

Syntax dictionaryobj.Item(key)     dictionaryobj.Item(key) = newItem The Item() property provides the capability to retrieve, create, and modify items in the dictionary. To retrieve an item, simply specify the key in the argument list. If the key does not exist, a new key, item pair will be created in the dictionary and the item will be left empty. To create a new entry, you can specify a new unique key as the method's argument, place an equal sign followed by the newItem. The newly created item will be returned from the method. To change an entry, you can specify the existing key in the argument list, place an equal sign followed by the newItem. The new item will be returned from the method. <html>     <html     <script language="JScript">     <!--     var fruits = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");     fruits.Add("A","AA");     fruits.Add("B","BB");     fruits.Add("O","CC");     fruits.Item("G") = "G1";     fruits.Item("G") = "G2"     document.write("The item ",fruits.Item('G')," is associated with G.");     -->     </script>     </html>