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An instance of the Anchor object is created with each instance of the tag with the NAME attribute set. An anchor itself is a point in an HTML document that can be reached by using a hypertext link. Anchors allow access to specific parts of Web pages rather than always displaying the top of a document when a Web page is loaded in a browser. PropertiesDescription nameA name that provides access to the anchor from a link textThe text that appears between the and tags xThe x-coordinate of the anchor yThe y-coordinate of the anchor The following example creates Anchors in a Document. <html>     <center>     Pick a letter:     <a href="#A">A</a>|<a href="#B">B</a>|<a href="#C">C</a>     </center>     <hr><a name="A"><h4>The Letter A</h4></a>     A<br>      B<br>     <hr><a name="B"></a>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     C<br>     D<br>     F<br>     <hr><a name="C"></a>     G<br>     H<br>     <script language="JavaScript">     <!--     document.write("<hr>The Anchor Properties:<br>");     for(var counter=0; counter<=document.anchors.length; counter++)     {       document.write("anchors[",counter,"].name=");       document.write(document.anchors[counter].name,"<br>");       document.write("anchors[",counter,"].text=");       document.write(document.anchors[counter].text,"<br>");       document.write("anchors[",counter,"].x=");       document.write(document.anchors[counter].x,"<br>");       document.write("anchors[",counter,"].y=");       document.write(document.anchors[counter].y,"<br>");     }     -->     </script>     </html>