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Categories / JavaScript Tutorial / Form


The Password object refers to the HTML element created with the tag setting the type to specify password. Instead of displaying the input in cleartext, input is displayed using the * symbol. Property/MethodDescription blur()Removes focus from the password box defaultValueRefers to the VALUE attribute of the HTML password box focus()Sets focus to the password box formRefers to the form that contains the password box handleEvent()Invokes the event handler nameRefers to the NAME attribute of the HTML password box onBlurEvent handler used when the focus is removed from the password box onFocusEvent handler used when the focus is put on the password box select()Selects the text entered in the password box typeRefers to the TYPE attribute of the HTML password box valueRefers to the current contents of the password box <html>     <head>     <title> Creating a password object</title>     </head>     <body>     <form name="form1">     <input type="PASSWORD" Name="pass" size=10>     <br>     <input type="BUTTON" value="Show Password" onClick=alert(document.form1.pass.value)>     </form>     </body>     </html>