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Document anchors

Syntax document.anchors     document.anchors[index] The anchors property is an array that contains all the Anchor objects. The anchors property has a length property, which contains the number of Anchor objects in the array. The index number ranges from zero to the length - 1. <html>     <a name="A"><h4>The Letter A</h4></a>     A<br>     B<hr>     <a name="B"><h4>The Letter B</h4></a>     C<br>     D<br>     E<hr>     <script language="JavaScript">     <!--     document.write("Anchor Names:<br>");       //Title     for(var x=0; x<=document.anchors.length; x++)     {       document.write(document.anchors[x].name,"<br>");     }     -->     </script>     </html>