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Document all item()

Syntax document.all.item(name) The item() method provides a way to retrieve an HTML element out of the document.all array without having to know its position in the array. The item() method allows you to pass in the name of the element as specified by the name or id attribute of HTML tags. Normally, the method returns the element, but, if more than one element is found with the same name, an array of elements is returned. <HTML name="top">     <a name="Paint"><h2><u>Paint Colors</u></h2></a>     Red<br>     Green<br>     Blue<br>     Orange<br>     <hr>     <script language="JavaScript">     <!--     document.write("<a href='#");     document.write(document.all.item("Paint").name,"'>");        document.write(document.all.item("Paint").name,"</a>");      -->     </script>     </html>