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Categories / Java / Util

Receive Jms text message from queue

package com.ack.j2ee.jms; import javax.jms.*; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; public class ReceiveJmsTextMessageFromQueue { public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { QueueConnection queueCon = null; try { // get the initial context, refer to your app server docs for this Context ctx = new InitialContext(); // get the connection factory, and open a connection QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup( "jms/akira/connectionfactory" ); queueCon = qcf.createQueueConnection(); // create queue session off the connection QueueSession queueSession = queueCon. createQueueSession( false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE ); // get handle on queue, create a sender and send the message Queue queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup( "jms/queue/devilman" ); QueueReceiver receiver = queueSession.createReceiver( queue ); queueCon.start(); Message m = receiver.receive(); if( m != null && m instanceof TextMessage ) { TextMessage message = (TextMessage) m; System.out.println( "Reading message: " + message.getText() ); } } finally { // close the queue connection if( queueCon != null ) { queueCon.close(); } } } }