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Categories / Java / Util

Mail message util

package com.ack.j2ee.javamail; import; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.SendFailedException; /** * provides useful feedback on JavaMail MessagingExceptions */ public class MailMessageUtil implements { /** * Writes the messaging exception in readable format to the supplied print stream. * @param me The MessagingException object * @param out The PrintStream to display the exception on */ public static void reportOnException( MessagingException me, PrintStream out ) { do { if( me instanceof SendFailedException ) { SendFailedException sfex = (SendFailedException) me; Address[] invalid = sfex.getInvalidAddresses(); if( invalid != null ) { out.println( " ** Invalid Addresses" ); if( invalid != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < invalid.length; i++ ) out.println( " " + invalid[i] ); } } Address[] validUnsent = sfex.getValidUnsentAddresses(); if( validUnsent != null ) { out.println( " ** ValidUnsent Addresses" ); if( validUnsent != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < validUnsent.length; i++ ) out.println( " " + validUnsent[i] ); } } Address[] validSent = sfex.getValidSentAddresses(); if( validSent != null ) { out.println( " ** ValidSent Addresses" ); if( validSent != null ) { for( int i = 0; i < validSent.length; i++ ) out.println( " " + validSent[i] ); } } } out.println(); if( me instanceof MessagingException ) { me = (MessagingException) me.getNextException(); } else { me = null; } } while( me != null ); } }