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package; import; import; import; /** * text based version of hangman */ public class Hangman { public static void main( String[] args ) { HangmanSession hangmanSession = new HangmanSession();; } } class HangmanSession { private Player player; private HiddenKeyword hiddenKeyword; private LetterBox letterBox; private int triesNumber = 7; public HangmanSession() { player = new Player(); player.askName(); hiddenKeyword = new HiddenKeyword(); letterBox = new LetterBox(); } private void printState() { letterBox.print(); System.out.print( "Hidden word : " ); hiddenKeyword.print(); System.out.print( "Tries left: " + triesNumber + "\n<guess letter:>" ); } public void play() { boolean bool = true; while( true ) { bool = true; printState(); char ch = player.takeGuess(); if( letterBox.contains( ch ) ) { System.out.println( "Try again, you've already used letter " + ch ); bool = false; } if( bool ) { if( hiddenKeyword.guess( ch ) ) { System.out.println( "Success, you have found letter " + ch ); } else { triesNumber--; } if( triesNumber < 1 ) gameOver(); if( hiddenKeyword.found() ) congratulations(); } } //end of bool } public void congratulations() { System.out.println( "Congratulations " + player + ", you win a banana!" ); System.exit( 0 ); } public void gameOver() { System.out.println( "Sorry " + player + ", this time you lose!" ); System.exit( 0 ); } } class HiddenKeyword { private String fValue; private StringBuffer pValue; private int lfoundNumber = 0; public HiddenKeyword() { fValue = new String( "banana" ); pValue = new StringBuffer( "-------" ); } public boolean found() { System.out.println( "Letters found:" + lfoundNumber + "/" + fValue.length() ); return ( lfoundNumber == fValue.length() ); } public boolean guess( char c ) { int index = fValue.indexOf( c ); if( index == -1 ) return false; else { lfoundNumber = lfoundNumber + findOccurances( c ); return true; } } private int findOccurances( char c ) { int idx = fValue.indexOf( c ); pValue.setCharAt( idx, fValue.charAt( idx ) ); int counter = 1; while( idx != -1 ) { int idxx = fValue.indexOf( c, idx + 1 ); idx = idxx; if( idx != -1 ) { counter++; pValue.setCharAt( idx, fValue.charAt( idx ) ); } } return counter; } public void print() { System.out.println( pValue ); } } class Player { private String fName = ""; public void askName() { System.out.print( "\nPlayer, enter your name:" ); fName = receiveInput(); } public char takeGuess() { return receiveInput().charAt( 0 ); } private String receiveInput() { String str = " "; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) ); try { str = br.readLine(); } catch( IOException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return str; } public String toString() { return fName; } } class LetterBox { private char[] lbox = new char[24]; private int counter = 0; public boolean contains( char c ) { for( int i = 0; i < counter; i++ ) { if( lbox[i] == c ) return true; } lbox[counter] = c; counter++; return false; } public void print() { System.out.print( "\nLetterBox:" ); for( int i = 0; i < counter; i++ ) { System.out.print( lbox[i] ); } System.out.println( "" ); } }