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Byte loader

package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import; import; public class ByteLoader { private static int kDEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 256; /** * Creates a stateless ByteLoader object that loads * bytes from stream, URL and ZipEntry data sources. */ public ByteLoader() { } /** * Loads the specified zentry from the supplied ZipInputStream * into a byte array. * @param zip input stream for the archive file * @param the actual zip entry to be read from the stream * @return bytes for the zip entry or null if not found in stream * @exception reports any IO problems that occur in the process */ public byte[] loadBytesFromZipEntry( ZipInputStream zin, ZipEntry zentry ) throws IOException { byte[] b = null; if( !zentry.isDirectory() ) { ZipEntry ze; String zname = zentry.getName(); while( ( ze = zin.getNextEntry() ) != null ) { if( zname.equals( ze.getName() ) ) { int size = (int) zentry.getSize(); if( size == -1 ) throw new IOException( "zipentry has unspecified size -> " + zname ); b = loadBytesFromStreamForSize( zin, size ); break; } } } return b; } /** * A convenience method for loading a collection of ZipEntrys from * the supplied ZipInputStream. * * @param input stream for the archive file to be searched * @param table of resource names mapped against their ZipEntry * @return the resource names mapped against their byte arrays * @exception reports io errors that occurred during processing */ public Hashtable loadBytesFromZipEntries( ZipInputStream zin, Hashtable zipEntries ) throws IOException { Hashtable resultTable = new Hashtable(); IOException iofailure = null; if( zipEntries.size() > 0 ) { try { ZipEntry ze; byte[] b; int size; while( ( ze = zin.getNextEntry() ) != null ) { if( !ze.isDirectory() ) { String zname = ze.getName(); if( zipEntries.containsKey( zname ) ) { ze = (ZipEntry) zipEntries.get( zname ); if( ( size = (int) ze.getSize() ) != -1 ) { try { if( ( b = loadBytesFromStreamForSize( zin, size ) ) != null ) resultTable.put( zname, b ); } catch( IOException ioe ) { iofailure = ioe; } } } } } } catch( IOException ioe ) { iofailure = ioe; } } if( iofailure != null ) throw iofailure; return resultTable; } /** * Load an array of bytes from the supplied url data source * * @param the url to load the bytes from * @return bytes from the url * @exception reports io errors occurring during the method */ public byte[] loadBytesFromURL( URL url ) throws IOException { byte[] b = null; URLConnection con = url.openConnection(); int size = con.getContentLength(); InputStream in = null; try { if( ( in = con.getInputStream() ) != null ) b = ( size != -1 ) ? loadBytesFromStreamForSize( in, size ) : loadBytesFromStream( in ); } finally { if( in != null ) try { in.close(); } catch( IOException ioe ) { } } return b; } /** * Loads the supplied number bytes from the given input stream * * @param stream to read the bytes from * @param the number of bytes to read * @return bytes read from the stream * @exception reports IO failures */ public byte[] loadBytesFromStreamForSize( InputStream in, int size ) throws IOException { int count, index = 0; byte[] b = new byte[size]; // read in the bytes from input stream while( ( count = b, index, size ) ) > 0 ) { size -= count; index += count; } return b; } /** * Loads bytes from the given input stream until the end of stream * is reached. It reads in at kDEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE chunks. * * @param stream to read the bytes from * @return bytes read from the stream * @exception reports IO failures */ public byte[] loadBytesFromStream( InputStream in ) throws IOException { return loadBytesFromStream( in, kDEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE ); } /** * Loads bytes from the given input stream until the end of stream * is reached. Bytes are read in at the supplied <code>chunkSize</code> * rate. * * @param stream to read the bytes from * @return bytes read from the stream * @exception reports IO failures */ public byte[] loadBytesFromStream( InputStream in, int chunkSize ) throws IOException { if( chunkSize < 1 ) chunkSize = kDEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; int count; ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] b = new byte[chunkSize]; try { while( ( count = b, 0, chunkSize ) ) > 0 ) bo.write( b, 0, count ); byte[] thebytes = bo.toByteArray(); return thebytes; } finally { bo.close(); bo = null; } } }