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Categories / Java / Util

A utility class for reading and writing character files

package com.ack.util; import*; /** * a utility class for reading and writing character * files to and from to disk. If you want to deal * exclusively in bytes, use the ByteLoader class * in this package. * * Note that all methods in the FileUtil will read/write * entire contents of all supplied Readers and Writers * and alway close them before returning. * * @see com.ack.util.ByteLoader */ public class FileUtil { private static final int kFILEBUFSIZE = 128; private static FileUtil fSingleton; /** * get hold of the singleton instance of FileUtil * * @return the singleton FileUtil */ public static synchronized FileUtil instance() { if( fSingleton == null ) fSingleton = new FileUtil(); return fSingleton; } /** * read the supplied file in its entirety into a string * * @param the filename to read characters from * @return a string holding the file contents * @exception IOException reports problems that occurred */ public String readCharacterFile( String fileName ) throws IOException { if( fileName == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "supplied filename to FileUtil was null" ); return readCharacterFile( new FileReader( fileName ) ); } /** * read the supplied file in its entirety into a string * * @param the file object to read characters from * @return a string holding the file contents * @exception IOException reports problems that occurred */ public String readCharacterFile( File theFile ) throws IOException { if( theFile == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "supplied File object to FileUtil was null" ); return readCharacterFile( new FileReader( theFile ) ); } /** * read the supplied reader in its entirety into a string * * @param the Reader object to read characters from * @return a string holding the file contents * @exception IOException reports problems that occurred */ public String readCharacterFile( Reader theReader ) throws IOException { if( theReader == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "supplied Reader object to FileUtil was null" ); try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); char[] text = new char[kFILEBUFSIZE]; int n; while( ( n = text, 0, kFILEBUFSIZE ) ) > 0 ) sw.write( text, 0, n ); return sw.toString(); } finally { if( theReader != null ) theReader.close(); } } /** * write the supplied contents to the named file * * @param the filename to write string contents to * @param the file contents to be written * @exception IOException reports problems that occurred */ public void writeCharacterFile( String fileName, String contents ) throws IOException { if( fileName == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "supplied filename to FileUtil was null" ); writeCharacterFile( new FileWriter( fileName ), contents ); } /** * write the supplied contents to the named file * * @param the File object to write string contents to * @param the file contents to be written * @exception IOException reports problems that occurred */ public void writeCharacterFile( File file, String contents ) throws IOException { if( file == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "supplied File object to FileUtil was null" ); writeCharacterFile( new FileWriter( file ), contents ); } /** * write the supplied contents to the name file * * @param the Writer object to write string contents to * @param the file contents to be written * @exception IOException reports problems that occurred */ public void writeCharacterFile( Writer fileWriter, String contents ) throws IOException { if( fileWriter == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "supplied FileWriter to FileUtil was null" ); try { StringReader sr = new StringReader( contents ); char[] text = new char[kFILEBUFSIZE]; int n; while( ( n = text, 0, kFILEBUFSIZE ) ) > 0 ) fileWriter.write( text, 0, n ); } finally { if( fileWriter != null ) fileWriter.close(); } } }