Mega Code Archive

Categories / Java / Learning

Simple Inheritance

package com.ack.learning; public class SimpleInheritance /* implicitly inherits from Object class */ { // available to subclass and package level clients protected int balance; public SimpleInheritance( String str ) { System.out.println( "SimpleInheritance says: " + str ); } public void message() { } } class MySubclass extends SimpleInheritance { // must define constructor because parent class // does not define a default constructor public MySubclass( String str ) { // call the parent class's constructor super( str ); } // i've overriden the message method declared within SimpleInheritance public void message() { // but can call it by using the super keyword super.message(); // i can also access non-private implementation, best not to have any // in the first place, and expose through controlled accessor methods System.out.println( super.balance ); } } class PackageLevelClient { public PackageLevelClient() { SimpleInheritance is = new MySubclass( "yo" ); // nasty, as a class in the package i can access // all protected variables defined within this package, // even though i'm not a part of the inheritance tree // yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk!!!!!!!!!! is.balance = 45; } }