Mega Code Archive

Categories / Java / Beginners Lab

School Management System

import java.awt.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class ProjectX extends JFrame implements ChangeListener, ActionListener { static int choice = 0; static String line = "-------------------------------- "; DataInputStream inputData = new DataInputStream(; private Registration studentDetails = new Registration(); int topScore = studentDetails.getTopScore(); int passMarks = studentDetails.getPassMarks(); int firstClass = studentDetails.getFirstClass(); int secondClass = studentDetails.getSecondClass(); JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); JLabel statusLabel = new JLabel(); JLabel titleLabel = new JLabel("Student Software Beta Edition"); JPanel addStudentPanel = new JPanel(); JTextField studentName = new JTextField(); JTextField physicsMarks = new JTextField(); JTextField biologyMarks = new JTextField(); JTextField mathsMarks = new JTextField(); JButton submitDetails = new JButton("Submit Details"); JPanel studentDetailsPanel = new JPanel(); JTextField studentID1 = new JTextField(); JTextArea studentInfo = new JTextArea(); JButton submitID1 = new JButton("Submit ID"); JPanel studentGradePanel = new JPanel(); JTextField studentID2 = new JTextField(); JTextArea studentGrade = new JTextArea(); JButton submitID2 = new JButton("Submit ID"); JPanel numberPassedPanel = new JPanel(); JTextArea studentPassed = new JTextArea(); JPanel classTopperPanel = new JPanel(); JTextArea studentTopper = new JTextArea(); public ProjectX(String frameTitle) { super(frameTitle); setResizable(true); setSize(400,400); submitDetails.addActionListener(this); submitID1.addActionListener(this); submitID2.addActionListener(this); getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); getContentPane().add(titleLabel,"North"); tabbedPane.addTab("Add Student",addStudentPanel); addStudentPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(8,2,5,5)); addStudentPanel.add(new JLabel("Student Name: ")); addStudentPanel.add(studentName); addStudentPanel.add(new JLabel("Physics Marks: ")); addStudentPanel.add(physicsMarks); addStudentPanel.add(new JLabel("Biology Marks: ")); addStudentPanel.add(biologyMarks); addStudentPanel.add(new JLabel("Maths Marks: ")); addStudentPanel.add(mathsMarks); addStudentPanel.add(submitDetails); tabbedPane.addTab("Student Details",studentDetailsPanel); studentDetailsPanel.add(new JLabel("Enter Student ID: ")); studentDetailsPanel.add(studentID1); studentDetailsPanel.add(submitID1); studentDetailsPanel.add(new JLabel("Student Details:")); studentDetailsPanel.add(studentInfo); tabbedPane.addTab("Student Grade",studentGradePanel); studentGradePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,2,5,5)); studentGradePanel.add(new JLabel("Enter Student ID: ")); studentGradePanel.add(studentID2); studentGradePanel.add(submitID2); studentGradePanel.add(new JLabel("Student Grade:")); studentGradePanel.add(studentGrade); tabbedPane.addTab("Passed Student",numberPassedPanel); numberPassedPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2,5,5)); numberPassedPanel.add(new JLabel("Number of Student Passed: ")); numberPassedPanel.add(studentPassed); tabbedPane.addTab("Class Topper",classTopperPanel); classTopperPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2,5,5)); classTopperPanel.add(new JLabel("Here are the class Toppers: ")); classTopperPanel.add(studentTopper); tabbedPane.addChangeListener(this); getContentPane().add(tabbedPane,"Center"); statusLabel.setText("Status: Normal"); getContentPane().add(statusLabel,"South"); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String args[]) { ProjectX outputScreen = new ProjectX("Case Study"); } public String setStudentInfo() { int id = studentDetails.addStudent(studentName.getText(), Integer.parseInt(physicsMarks.getText()), Integer.parseInt(biologyMarks.getText()), Integer.parseInt(mathsMarks.getText())); return (" " + line + "Record Created For " + studentName + " " + "Student ID: " + id + " " + line ); } public String getStudentInfo() { int id = Integer.parseInt(studentID1.getText()); if(studentDetails.getStudentDetails(id)) return (" " + line + "Student Details " + line + "Student ID:" + " " + id + " " + "Student Name:" + " " + studentDetails.studentName + " " + "Physics Marks:" + " " + studentDetails.physicsMarks + " " + "Biology Marks:" + " " + studentDetails.biologyMarks + " " + "Maths Marks:" + " " + studentDetails.mathsMarks + " " + line ); else return(" Records Not Found for ID " + id); } public String getStudentGrade() { int id = Integer.parseInt(studentID2.getText()); studentDetails.getStudentDetails(id); String grade; if(studentDetails.studentName == null) { System.out.println(" Records Not Found for ID " + id); return null; } if(studentDetails.physicsMarks < passMarks || studentDetails.biologyMarks < passMarks || studentDetails.mathsMarks < passMarks) { grade = "Failed"; } else { int avgMarks = (studentDetails.physicsMarks + studentDetails.biologyMarks + studentDetails.mathsMarks)/3; if(avgMarks >= passMarks && avgMarks < secondClass) grade = "Pass Class"; else if(avgMarks >= secondClass && avgMarks < firstClass) grade = "Second Class"; else if(avgMarks >= firstClass && avgMarks < topScore) grade = "First Class"; else grade = "Distinction"; } return(line + "Grade For " + studentDetails.studentName + " is " + grade + " " + line); } public String getNumberPasses() { int lastID = Registration.getNextID() -1; boolean passed = true; int numberPassed = 0; for(int id = 1; id <= lastID; id++) { studentDetails.getStudentDetails(id); if(studentDetails.physicsMarks >= passMarks && studentDetails.biologyMarks >= passMarks && studentDetails.mathsMarks >= passMarks) numberPassed++; } return(line + "Number of Student Passed: " + numberPassed + " " + line); } public String getClassTopper() { int lastID = Registration.getNextID() -1; String classTopper; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(500); int topMarks = 0; for(int id = 1; id <= lastID; id++) { studentDetails.getStudentDetails(id); int studentMarks = studentDetails.physicsMarks + studentDetails.biologyMarks + studentDetails.mathsMarks; if(studentMarks > topMarks) topMarks = studentMarks; } buffer.append(line + "Student Having Top Marks: "); for(int id = 1; id <= lastID; id++) { studentDetails.getStudentDetails(id); int studentMarks = studentDetails.physicsMarks + studentDetails.biologyMarks + studentDetails.mathsMarks; if(studentMarks == topMarks) { buffer.append(studentDetails.studentName + " Having Total Marks: " + topMarks + " "); } } buffer.append(line); return(buffer.toString()); } public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { switch(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex()) { case 3: studentPassed.setText(getNumberPasses()); break; case 4: studentTopper.setText(getClassTopper()); break; } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource() == submitID1) { studentInfo.setText(getStudentInfo()); } else if(e.getSource() == submitID2) { studentGrade.setText(getStudentGrade()); } if(e.getSource() == submitDetails) { setStudentInfo(); } } } //Registration Class class Registration { private int topScore = 90; private int passMarks = 35; private int firstClass = 65; private int secondClass = 45; private static String idFile = "id.dat"; private static String studentFile = "studentfile.dat"; public int id; public String studentName; public int physicsMarks; public int biologyMarks; public int mathsMarks; public int addStudent(String studentName, int physicsMarks, int biologyMarks, int mathsMarks) { int id = 0; try { FileWriter fileOutput = new FileWriter(Registration.studentFile,true); id = Registration.getNextID(); String buffer = id + "|" + studentName + "|" + physicsMarks + "|" + biologyMarks + "|" + mathsMarks + " "; fileOutput.write(buffer); fileOutput.close(); Registration.setID(id); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); System.exit(1); } return id; } //Function to get the details of a student given the ID public boolean getStudentDetails(int id) { try { FileReader fileInput = new FileReader(Registration.studentFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fileInput); { String str; while((str = br.readLine()) != null) { StringTokenizer fields = new StringTokenizer(str,"|"); if(Integer.parseInt(fields.nextToken()) == id) { = id; this.studentName = fields.nextToken(); this.physicsMarks = Integer.parseInt(fields.nextToken()); this.biologyMarks = Integer.parseInt(fields.nextToken()); this.mathsMarks = Integer.parseInt(fields.nextToken()); return true; } } } } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); System.exit(1); } return false; } public int getTopScore() { return topScore; } public int getPassMarks() { return passMarks; } public int getFirstClass() { return firstClass; } public int getSecondClass() { return secondClass; } //Function to get the next ID available public static int getNextID() { int id = 0; try { RandomAccessFile studentIDFile = new RandomAccessFile(Registration.idFile,"rw"); if(studentIDFile.length() == 0) { id = 0; } else id = studentIDFile.readInt(); id++; studentIDFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); System.exit(1); } return id; } //Function to Store current ID in a file public static void setID(int id) { try { RandomAccessFile studentIDFile = new RandomAccessFile(Registration.idFile,"rw");; studentIDFile.writeInt(id); studentIDFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); System.exit(1); } } }