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Categories / Java / Beginners Lab

Program to create GUI for Bank Account Simulation

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; class GuiAccTest extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label lab=new Label(" "); Label lab1=new Label(" "); TextField t[]=new TextField [4]; Label l[]=new Label [4]; Button but=new Button("Create Account"); Button but1=new Button("Test Account"); BankAccount b; GuiAccTest() { addWindowListener(new NewWindowAdapter()); setLayout(new GridLayout(2,0)); Panel p=new Panel(); Panel p1=new Panel(); but.addActionListener(this); but1.addActionListener(this); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,2)); p1.add(lab1); p1.add(lab); l[0]=new Label("Account Number"); l[1]=new Label("Initial Balance"); l[2]=new Label("Deposit Amount"); l[3]=new Label("Withdraw Amount"); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { t[i]=new TextField(10); p.add(l[i]); p.add(t[i]); } p.add(but); p.add(but1); but1.setVisible(false); l[2].setVisible(false); l[3].setVisible(false); t[2].setVisible(false); t[3].setVisible(false); add(p); add(p1); } String testAccount(int d_amt,int w_amt) { String msg; b.deposit(d_amt); msg="Transaction Succesful"; try { b.withdraw(w_amt); }catch(FundsInsufficientException fe) { fe=new FundsInsufficientException(b.amount,w_amt); msg=String.valueOf(fe); } return msg; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { String str=ae.getActionCommand(); if(str.equals("Create Account")) { b=new BankAccount(Integer.parseInt(t[0].getText()),Integer.parseInt(t[1].getText())); but1.setVisible(true); l[2].setVisible(true); l[3].setVisible(true); t[2].setVisible(true); t[3].setVisible(true); but.setVisible(false); l[0].setVisible(false); l[1].setVisible(false); t[0].setVisible(false); t[1].setVisible(false); lab1.setText("Account : "+b.accnum+", Current Balance : "+b.amount); return; } else { lab.setText(testAccount(Integer.parseInt(t[2].getText()),Integer.parseInt(t[3].getText()))); lab1.setText("Account : "+b.accnum+", Current Balance : "+b.amount); } } public static void main(String arg[]) { GuiAccTest at=new GuiAccTest(); at.setTitle("Bank Account Tester"); at.setSize(600,200); at.setVisible(true); } } class NewWindowAdapter extends WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { System.exit(0); } } class BankAccount { int accnum; int amount; BankAccount(int num,int amt) { accnum=num; amount=amt; } public void deposit(int amt) { amount=amount+amt; } public void withdraw(int amt) throws FundsInsufficientException { if(amt>amount) throw new FundsInsufficientException(amount,amt); else amount=amount-amt; } } class FundsInsufficientException extends Exception { int balance; int withdraw_amount; FundsInsufficientException(int bal,int w_amt) { balance=bal; withdraw_amount=w_amt; } public String toString() { return "Your withdraw amount ("+withdraw_amount+") is less than the balance ("+balance+"). No withdrawal was recorded."; } }