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Categories / Java / Awt

Using a Choice button to select a font

import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class MyChoice extends Applet { private Choice choiceButton; private TextField t; private Font f; public void init() { choiceButton = new Choice(); t = new TextField( "Sample Text", 16 ); t.setEditable( false ); // add items to choiceButton choiceButton.addItem( "TimesRoman" ); choiceButton.addItem( "Courier" ); choiceButton.addItem( "Helvetica" ); f = new Font( choiceButton.getItem( 0 ), Font.PLAIN, 14 ); t.setFont( f ); add( choiceButton ); add( t ); } public boolean action( Event e, Object o ) { String s; // Check for Choice button event if ( instanceof Choice ) { f = new Font( choiceButton.getSelectedItem(), Font.PLAIN, 14 ); t.setFont( f ); s = "Number of items: " + choiceButton.countItems(); s += " Current index: " + choiceButton.getSelectedIndex(); showStatus( s ); } return true; } }