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Categories / Java / Awt

Box Layout Demo

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class BoxLayoutDemo extends JFrame { public BoxLayoutDemo() { super( "Demostrating BoxLayout" ); final int SIZE = 3; Container c = getContentPane(); c.setLayout( new BorderLayout( 30, 30 ) ); Box boxes[] = new Box[ 4 ]; boxes[ 0 ] = Box.createHorizontalBox(); boxes[ 1 ] = Box.createVerticalBox(); boxes[ 2 ] = Box.createHorizontalBox(); boxes[ 3 ] = Box.createVerticalBox(); // add buttons to boxes[ 0 ] for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) boxes[ 0 ].add( new JButton( "boxes[0]: " + i ) ); // create strut and add buttons to boxes[ 1 ] for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) { boxes[ 1 ].add( Box.createVerticalStrut( 25 ) ); boxes[ 1 ].add( new JButton( "boxes[1]: " + i ) ); } // create horizontal glue and add buttons to boxes[ 2 ] for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) { boxes[ 2 ].add( Box.createHorizontalGlue() ); boxes[ 2 ].add( new JButton( "boxes[2]: " + i ) ); } // create rigid area and add buttons to boxes[ 3 ] for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) { boxes[ 3 ].add( Box.createRigidArea( new Dimension( 12, 8 ) ) ); boxes[ 3 ].add( new JButton( "boxes[3]: " + i ) ); } // create horizontal glue and add buttons to panel JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) { panel.add( Box.createGlue() ); panel.add( new JButton( "panel: " + i ) ); } // place panels on frame c.add( boxes[ 0 ], BorderLayout.NORTH ); c.add( boxes[ 1 ], BorderLayout.EAST ); c.add( boxes[ 2 ], BorderLayout.SOUTH ); c.add( boxes[ 3 ], BorderLayout.WEST ); c.add( panel, BorderLayout.CENTER ); setSize( 350, 300 ); show(); } public static void main( String args[] ) { BoxLayoutDemo app = new BoxLayoutDemo(); app.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) { System.exit( 0 ); } } ); } }