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Categories / Java / Applet

Ad Banner Rotator

import java.applet.Applet; import java.applet.AppletContext; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; public class BhuBanner extends Applet implements Runnable { Thread A; int B; int C; int D; int E; int F; int G; int H; int I; int J; int K; int L; int M; int N; int O; int P; int Q; int R; int S; int T; int U; Font V; String W; String X; String Y; String Z; FontMetrics a; Color b; Color c; Color d; Image e; Graphics f; char g[]; Vector h; Vector i; Vector j; int k; int l; int m; int n; int o; int p; int q; boolean r; final int s = 0; final int t = 1; int u; int v[]; public void init() { B = 0; h = new Vector(10, 10); i = new Vector(10, 10); j = new Vector(10, 10); B(); W = (String)h.elementAt(0); setBackground(b); E = size().width; F = size().height; v = new int[Q]; V = new Font(Y, S, I); a = getFontMetrics(V); J = a.getHeight(); H = a.stringWidth(W); G = (F - a.getHeight()) / 2 + a.getAscent(); e = createImage(E, F); f = e.getGraphics(); f.setFont(V); g = W.toCharArray(); L = g.length; K = (E - H) / 2; P = K; k = b.getRed(); l = b.getGreen(); m = b.getBlue(); d = c; n = c.getRed(); p = c.getGreen(); o = c.getBlue(); for(int i1 = 0; i1 < Q; i1++) { String s1 = (String)j.elementAt(i1); if(s1.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")) v[i1] = 1; else if(s1.equalsIgnoreCase("SCROLL")) v[i1] = 0; else v[i1] = 0; } u = v[0]; } public void B() { W = getParameter("TextToDisplay"); if(W == null) W = "String not defined;"; Q = D(W, h); W = getParameter("URLtoDisplay"); if(W == null) W = ""; D(W, i); W = getParameter("Effect"); if(W == null) W = "DROP;SCROLL;DROP"; D(W, j); X = getParameter("FontSize"); if(X == null) I = 24; else I = Integer.parseInt(X); Y = getParameter("FontName"); if(Y == null) Y = "TimesRoman"; String s1 = getParameter("FontStyle"); if(s1 == null) S = 1; else if(s1.equalsIgnoreCase("PLAIN")) S = 0; else if(s1.equalsIgnoreCase("BOLD")) S = 1; else if(s1.equalsIgnoreCase("ITALIC")) S = 2; else if(s1.equalsIgnoreCase("BOLDandITALIC")) S = 3; else S = 1; Z = getParameter("target"); if(Z == null) Z = "_blank"; String s2 = getParameter("speed"); if(s2 == null) O = 5; else O = Integer.parseInt(s2); String s3 = getParameter("xStep"); if(s3 == null) T = 20; else T = Integer.parseInt(s3); String s4 = getParameter("yStep"); if(s4 == null) U = 10; else U = Integer.parseInt(s4); String s5 = getParameter("Delay"); if(s5 == null) R = 3000; else R = Integer.parseInt(s5); String s6 = getParameter("bgCOLOR"); if(s6 == null) b = Color.white; else if((b = C(s6)) == null) b = Color.white; String s7 = getParameter("textCOLOR"); if(s7 == null) c =; else if((c = C(s7)) == null) c =; String s8 = getParameter("Author"); if(s8 == null || !s8.equals("www")) { c =; b =; } String s9 = getParameter("Email"); if(s9 == null || !s9.equals("x@xxx")) { c =; b =; } } public int D(String s1, Vector vector) { StringTokenizer stringtokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s1, ";", false); int i1; for(i1 = 0; stringtokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); i1++) { String s2 = stringtokenizer.nextToken().trim(); vector.addElement(s2); } return i1; } public Color C(String s1) { int i1; int j1; int k1; try { i1 = Integer.parseInt(s1.substring(0, s1.indexOf(",")).trim()); j1 = Integer.parseInt(s1.substring(s1.indexOf(",") + 1, s1.lastIndexOf(",")).trim()); k1 = Integer.parseInt(s1.substring(s1.lastIndexOf(",") + 1).trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { System.out.println("can't convert to integer, Switching to default colors" + numberformatexception); return null; } try { return new Color(i1, j1, k1); } catch(IllegalArgumentException illegalargumentexception) { System.out.println("can't create new color, Switching to default colors" + illegalargumentexception); } return null; } public void start() { if(A == null) { A = new Thread(this); A.start(); } } public void stop() { if(A != null) { A.stop(); A = null; } } public void destroy() { f.dispose(); } public void run() { do { d = c; r = true; switch(u) { default: break; case 1: // '\001' M = 0; for(N = 0; M < L; N++) { if(g[N] == ' ') { M++; N++; } P = K + a.charsWidth(g, 0, M); D = -J; C = P; for(; G - D > U; D += U) { repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(O); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception) { } } D = G; repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(O); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception1) { } M++; } for(int i1 = 0; i1 <= 100; i1 += q) { r = false; A(i1); repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(200L); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception2) { } } break; case 0: // '\0' M = 0; for(N = 0; M < L; N++) { if(g[N] == ' ') { M++; N++; } P = K + a.charsWidth(g, 0, M); C = E; D = G; for(; C - P > T; C -= T) { repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(O); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception3) { } } C = P; repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(O); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception4) { } M++; } for(int j1 = 0; j1 <= 100; j1 += q) { r = false; A(j1); repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(200L); } catch(InterruptedException interruptedexception5) { } } break; } B++; if(B > Q - 1) B = 0; W = (String)h.elementAt(B); H = a.stringWidth(W); g = W.toCharArray(); L = g.length; K = (E - H) / 2; u = v[B]; } while(true); } public void A(int i1) { int j1 = ((k - n) * i1) / 100 + n; int k1 = ((l - p) * i1) / 100 + p; int l1 = ((m - o) * i1) / 100 + o; d = new Color(j1, k1, l1); } public void paint(Graphics g1) { f.setColor(b); f.fillRect(0, 0, E, F); f.setColor(d); if(r) { f.drawChars(g, 0, M, K, G); f.drawChars(g, N, 1, C, D); } else { f.drawString(W, K, G); } g1.drawImage(e, 0, 0, this); } public void update(Graphics g1) { paint(g1); } public boolean mouseDown(Event event, int i1, int j1) { try { getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL((String)i.elementAt(B)), Z); } catch(MalformedURLException malformedurlexception) { System.out.println("Wrong URL"); } return true; } public BhuBanner() { q = 5; r = true; } }