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DOM Objects That Make Up the Parse Tree

A DOM parser loads the entire document into a memory-resident tree structure so that the nodes of the tree can be randomly accessed by an application program. The nodes are all linked together in parent/child relationships that are representative of the relationships in the original document. DOM Objects That Make Up the Parse Tree NameDescription AttrAn attribute consisting of a name (sometimes called a key) and a value to be associated with the name. CDATASectionA block of text in an escape format to allow for the inclusion of special characters. . CommentThe text of a comment. DocumentThe root node of the entire document tree. DocumentFragmentA lightweight form of Document primarily used for editing a parse tree by extracting and inserting parts of the tree. DocumentTypeThe node in the tree that contains descriptive information about the format of the elements (it is the schema or DTD information). ElementA tag used to mark up a section of text. EntityAn entity, either parsed or unparsed. This is the entity itself, not the declaration. EntityReferenceAn unexpanded entity. A parser may choose to expand all entity references omitting objects of this type. NotationA notation declared as part of the DTD or schema. It is either an unparsed entity or processing instruction. ProcessingInstructionA processing instruction is a processor-specific instruction included in the document. TextCharacter data.