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Change Thread Priority

A priority tells the operating system how much resource should be given to each thread. A high-priority thread is scheduled to receive more time on the CPU than a low-priority thread. A method called Thread.setPriority() sets the priority of a thread. Thread class constants can be used to set these. class CounterThread extends Thread {   String name;   public CounterThread(String name) {     super(); = name;        }   public void run() {     int count = 0;     while (true) {       try {         sleep(100);       } catch (InterruptedException e) {       }       if (count == 50000)         count = 0;       System.out.println(name+":" + count++);     }   } } public class MainClass{     public static void main(String[] args) {       CounterThread thread1 = new CounterThread("thread1");       thread1.setPriority(10);       CounterThread thread2 = new CounterThread("thread2");       thread2.setPriority(1);       thread2.start();       thread1.start();     } }