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Categories / Java Tutorial / Swing


All Swing components derive from the abstract javax.swing.JComponent class. The following are the JComponent class's methods to manipulate the appearance of the component. public int getWidth ()Returns the current width of this component in pixel. public int getHeight ()Returns the current height of this component in pixel. public int getX()Returns the current x coordinate of the component's top-left corner. public int getY ()Returns the current y coordinate of the component's top-left corner. public java.awt.Graphics getGraphics()Returns this component's Graphics object you can draw on. This is useful if you want to change the appearance of a component. public void setBackground (java.awt.Color bg)Sets this component's background color. public void setEnabled (boolean enabled)Sets whether or not this component is enabled. public void setFont (java.awt.Font font)Set the font used to print text on this component. public void setForeground (java.awt.Color fg)Set this component's foreground color. public void setToolTipText(java.lang.String text)Sets the tool tip text. public void setVisible (boolean visible)Sets whether or not this component is visible.