Mega Code Archive

Categories / Java Tutorial / Swing Event

Enabling Other Low-level Events

processWindowFocusEvent(WindowEvent e) called for any window focus events that arise as long as such events are enabled for the window. processWindowStateEvent(WindowEvent e)called for events arising as a result of the window changing state. processEvent(AWTEvent e)called first for any events that are enabled for the component. If you implement this method and fail to call the base class method, none of the methods for specific groups of events will be called. processFocusEvent(FocusEvent e)called for focus events, if they are enabled for the component. processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)called for key events, if they are enabled for the component. processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)called for mouse button events, if they are enabled for the component. processMouseMotionEvent(MouseEvent e)called for mouse move and drag events, if they are enabled for the component. processMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent e)called for mouse wheel rotation events, if they are enabled for the component.