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Throwing an Exception from a Method

Most of the time a try block is accompanied by a catch block that catches the java.lang.Exception in addition to other catch blocks. The order of the catch blocks is important. The more specific exception type appears first. public class MainClass {   public static void main(String[] args) {     String input = null;     try {       String capitalized = capitalize(input);       System.out.println(capitalized);     } catch (NullPointerException e) {       System.out.println(e.toString());     }   }   public static String capitalize(String s) throws NullPointerException {     if (s == null) {       throw new NullPointerException("Your passed a null argument");     }     Character firstChar = s.charAt(0);     String theRest = s.substring(1);     return firstChar.toString().toUpperCase() + theRest;   } }