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Categories / Java Tutorial / Data Type

Integer constants for the third version of set()

Field Value AM_PMAM or PM DAY_OF_WEEKSUNDAY, MONDAY..., through to SATURDAY DAY_OF_YEARSet a value from 1 to 366 MONTHSet a value of JANUARY, FEBRUARY, etc., through to DECEMBER, corresponding to values of 0 to 11 DAY_OF_MONTH or DATESet a value from 1 to 31 WEEK_OF_MONTHSet a value from 1 to 6 WEEK_OF_YEARSet a value from 1 to 54 HOUR_OF_DAYA value from 0 to 23 HOURA value from 1 to 12 representing the current hour in the a.m. or p.m. MINUTEThe current minute in the current hour — a value from 0 to 59 SECONDThe second in the current minute, 0 to 59 MILLISECONDThe millisecond in the current second, 0 to 999 YEARThe current year — for example, 2004 ERACan be set to either GregorianCalendar.BC or GregorianCalendar.AD (both values being defined in the GregorianCalendar class) ZONE_OFFSETA millisecond value indicating the offset from GMT DST_OFFSETA millisecond value indicating the offset for daylight saving time in the current time zone