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Categories / Java Book / 003 Essential Classes

0192 Currency class

The Currency class represents a currency. The methods supported by Currency are shown in the following table. String getCurrencyCode( ) Returns the code (as defined by ISO 4217) that describes the invoking currency. int getDefaultFractionDigits( ) Returns the number of digits after the decimal point that are normally used by the invoking currency. For example, there are 2 fractional digits normally used for dollars. static Currency getInstance(Locale localeObj) Returns a Currency object for the locale specified by localeObj. static Currency getInstance(String code) Returns a Currency object associated with the currency code passed in code. String getSymbol( ) Returns the currency symbol (such as $) for the invoking object. String getSymbol(Locale localeObj) Returns the currency symbol (such as $) for the locale passed in localeObj. String toString( ) Returns the currency code for the invoking object. The following program demonstrates Currency. import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Locale; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { Currency c = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US); System.out.println("Symbol: " + c.getSymbol()); System.out.println("Default fractional digits: " + c.getDefaultFractionDigits()); } } The output is shown here. Symbol: $ Default fractional digits: 2